Monday, 30 April 2012

April 2012

April 2012 turned out to be a lot snowier than we were expecting.  The sunny days we were hoping for in order to get after big peaks rarely materialised.  What we got instead was more pow!  Like this day in the Duffy on April 3rd.  The avi danger was quite high so we had to stick to the edges of smaller slopes, but as you can see it was seriously deep!

The Following week it was my Birthday (28, thanks for asking) so we treated ourselves to a heli drop on Rainbow.  The weather was quite variable all day- the peak was socked in at the start so we got dropped about 200m south of the summit.  We skied 2 laps on the North glacier, and then climbed over the shoulder to the east face to exit.  The snow on the North Aspects was really good... the east not so much.