Total Vert: 69,800m
After the success of the Brandywine trip at the end of June we decided to try and knock out the July trip as soon as possible while there was still a chance of good snow coverage. For this trip we headed past Pemberton and up the Hurley towards Bralorne to the Semaphore lakes area. The road travels all the way up to around 1300m, and I knew from a previous summer trip to the area that access to the alpine was quick and easy.
Arriving a Semaphore Lakes, 1hr from the car. There was a tent in the area but no sign of its inhabitants.
Heading up the East ridge of Locomotive
Overseer Mountain (I think) off in the distance.
Looking back down the Pemberton Valley.
Steve on the Summit.
On the summit with my trusty DPS Wailer 99's. Face Mountain behind.
The ski down was a teeny bit sketchy, as the peak had been in cloud when we were scoping it, so we couldn't tell that the line didn't actually go all the way. There were a few tense moments of sketchy down climbing, but once we gained the main snow field it was happy days.
Back at the meadows. My DPS can take me no further!
Looking back at the line we skied. Hoji skis this line mid winter in Claim, and Macintosh hits it in One For The Road.
Walking back down. Very few signs on winter remaining.
Back at the car, 7 hours round trip with limited ball ache. That journey time would have been smaller without the sketchy down climbing section in the middle. Another great trip in the bag. And yes, it was 'worth it'.