Wednesday 23 January 2013

Golden Boner

Daily Vert: 300m
Total Vert so far: 23,365m

Two of my self imposed rules when embarking on this project were:
1)No touring alone
2)No touring up shitty logging roads just for the sake of it.

I decided to break both of those rules today, but I managed to justify it to myself thusly: It wasn't unsafe to tour this route alone as it is practically inbounds, there is no avalanche danger and the route is travelled often by cats and snow-mobiles. And the reason I was touring for the sake of it was a)it was a good opportunity to explore the access roads behind my house incase I want to ski them at some point and b) I was worried about my stamina being negatively affected by my brief but intense illness last week, so I wanted to make sure I got back in shape.  Nothing much to say about this route, except clearly people with out ski passes sometimes attempt to use it to access Blackcomb (foot prints everywhere) and there are tons of cool looking pillows, although I suspect that they are seldom as soft as they look!

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